Friday, December 18, 2009

Sheepy Christmas

Happy New Year to Muslim readers! Today is Awal Muharram holiday in Malaysia, how is everyone's holiday?

This month, we're having 3 continuous long weekends, weekend in conjunction with Friday, which are Awal Muharram, Christmas Day and New year. Yippee! I love December, always!!

Christmas is around the corner; however I've no mood for crafting. Besides a little busy on job, the main reason is I'm too lazy and addicted on facebook. heehee...

A few free digi images were downloaded and printed in past few days and still no movement. Finally, I did a little colouring last night. And, do the final touch up based on Card Positioning Systems' weekly sketch (CPS146) for my first Christmas card today.



幾天前,在幾個網站下載免費圖像;打印出來後一直沒有進一步的動作。終於在昨晚開始了一小部分的上色。今天繼續前進並以Card Positioning Systems最近一期的卡片設計草圖(CPS146)完成了……第一張聖誕卡片!呵呵~

This pair of adorable sheeps was free digi from Cuddly Buddly Craft, and the snowflakes background paper is from Paper Craft Inspiration Issue 67, it is available to download at their official website either. I appreciated there are plenty of free sources online for download for people like me without much stamps to make cards.

這對可愛的小綿羊是由Cuddly Buddly Craft 免費下載下來的,卡片紅色背景雪花襯紙也是由第67期的Paper Craft Inspiration雜誌的官網下載打印出來。非常感恩有這些免費下載的資源,至少在沒有印章和襯紙的情況下還能夠DIY卡片。

Here is another gift tag I have done, image also downloaded from Cuddly Buddly Craft. I trimmed the little birdy out (cut off its tiny feet and tail) and then glued it on the circle tag. Stamped "NOEL" (anyone discovers the "E" is inversion? heehee...) at the edge and match a "JOY" inside the tag. It is simple, right? This gift tag is made to enclose to a little present for a friend.

還有一張小標籤卡,圖像也是來自Cuddly Buddly Craft。我把鳥兒裁了出來(取去了牠瘦小的腳和尾巴)然後黏貼在圓形標籤卡上;隨後在邊緣蓋上"NOEL",卡的內頁則以"JOY"來配合。就這樣完成了一張簡單的小標籤並用來點綴即將送出去給朋友的小禮物。

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